Linh has done a great job. She has trained herself on our new website architecture (Drupal) and has adapted well to the complexity of dealing with our outside agency during the development of our new sites which she would then have to manage moving forward. She has made improvements in her organization and communication skills by tracking her projects more closely and giving more frequent status updates to the team. She has also shown leadership skills by successfully managing and prioritizing projects with our web development contractors. Additionally, she has maintained a high level of creativity and innovation in her graphic design and production skills. Linh is a great asset to our team and I look forward to another successful year from her in every year. " – Eddy Garcia, Director of Marketing Communications - Solta Medical


Linh has a great sense of urgency. Often she is given tight deadlines and she continually meets the deadlines on or before the due date... She has demonstrated her passion for the business since the first day - jumping in to the role and consistently offering to do more where she can help out. Linh is fantastic at seeking solutions for the dept. She proactively approaches me and her manager to offer ideas on how we can meet deadlines more efficiently, utilize internal resources herefore saving the dept money or manage a vendor relationship. Every day I learn that Linh knows how to do something else! Colleagues as well as management knows that if we ask Linh for something it will get done, on time and with a high quality deliverable. " – Kathryn Grant, Managing Director International and Professional Marketing


Linh is the person you want to have managing your websites. She not only can bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in the development and back-end programming of your site, but she also has the design background to keep your site engaging. In the three years that I have worked with Linh, she has been solely responsible for at least six brand websites and one corporate site, in addition to the database development on the brand sites and managing the interface with CRM systems. Linh's design expertise stretches across media - from web to print, corporate to consumer. She is dedicated and thorough and I truly enjoy working with her. " – Liz Mazzei, Global Marketing Project Manager - Solta Medical


Linh is a pleasure to work with. She is always willing to take on any project with a smile. Her dedication and creativity is exemplified in her work which seems to always be turned around with breakneck speed. I have no reservations about recommending Linh as she is a welcome addition to any team. " – Marketing Automation Expert & Marketo Certified Business Consultant - BlueBird Strategies